You need a website, you need a lot of visitors and you need a lot of income

Aki jelen van az interneten saját weblappal, az magasabb látogatottságot akar. Ezen felül akar még sok mindent, de most csak a látogatottság növelés elősegítésére indítunk egy pár részes cikksorozatot. Ennek az első részét olvashatod most.

2023.01.02 — Posted by Webb & Flow

If you're present on the internet with your own website, you want higher traffic. Additionally, you want many other things (more conversions, cheaper operation, higher revenue, positive user experience, etc.), but for now, we are starting a series of articles to help increase traffic. You can read the first part here.

Under the articles, evaluate and ask questions, and we will expand the series with the questions asked. We write these articles primarily for educational purposes for you. We hope you find a lot of useful information in them. If so, please share our articles with your acquaintances.

To be successful online - with your own website - you generally need to go through the same steps:

IMPORTANT: You can only move on to the next point once you have solved the previous one. Most problems arise because companies think about good things but in the wrong order. This article primarily aims to help you in this regard.

You Need a Website

Websites can be categorized and rated based on many aspects, but one thing is certain: without a website, there can't be any visitors on the website.

Starting Website, Quickly and Inexpensively

Putting together a website isn't a big deal; you need WordPress and a university student. With around 50,000, you can have it ready in a few days. It's enough to start, and it fulfills its purpose: you can write the domain name on your business card, visitors can read basic information (those who know the domain from the business card), and maybe even send messages. There's no need to think about graphics; everything is ready in the template.

Professional Website

Following the example: the same website with the same graphics requires approximately 300 hours of site build and setup (without content writing, without graphics, and without development, just site build and project management). Moreover, the end result seen in the browser will be almost identical to the starting website.

What causes this difference? Naturally, it arises from the sophistication of the technology serving the website.

Just as lifelike sports cars can be built from plastic, websites can be built that look just like websites. Of course, they can't win any competition, just as plastic cars can't, but that only becomes apparent when we enter a competition. You can exhibit (write on business cards) both.

This is a complex question, and I won't elaborate on it in detail in this article to maintain focus. I'll write more articles related to this topic.

How Can I Improve the Technical Quality of My Website?

  1. Ensure there are no programming errors on the site.
  2. Serve visitors and robots quickly.
  3. Ensure continuous availability without downtime.

You Need Many Visitors to the Website

There are several ways to bring visitors to a website:

  • Paid advertising (Google, Facebook, etc.)
  • Organic traffic (visitors coming from search engines)
  • Email campaigns (EDM or any email series)
  • Directly (users typing the domain name in the browser)
  • Recommendations (links from other websites pointing to ours, which can be an article, affiliate program, forum post, or tweet, etc.)

What is definitely important and the same in every project:

  • First, increase the quantity of visitors.
  • Later, improve the quality.

To measure and draw conclusions, quantity is necessary. If there are quantitative visitors, hypotheses can be formulated based on the numbers, and then these hypotheses can be refuted or confirmed. The result of this process will be finding the target audience and quality visitors.

How Can I Get Many Visitors to the Website?

  • You need a high technological quality website that is well maintained.
  • Generally speaking, content is important; it's good to have a lot of content.
  • You need backlinks pointing to you.
  • It's good to be present on social media.
  • If you have a budget for it, it's worth advertising.

Improve Conversion

If we did the previous steps well, traffic to our website has started. We're not making a lot of money yet, but fortunately, many people are already looking at us, which has at least increased our expenses. :) It's time to harvest.

As with all the points above: decisions need to be data-driven. We're fortunate that we already have traffic here, so we also have data. (We won't write about data cleansing, organizing, and maintaining the generated data in this article, but they are important.)

Steps to improve conversion briefly:

  1. Set goals.
  2. Define user types.
  3. Build funnels (sequences of steps that guide visitors through the website).
  4. Measure at every necessary point.
  5. Analyze.
  6. Experiment, improve.

Overall, the goal of this process is to find the target audience, prices, and services. In other words, we persuade website visitors to pay for something.

  • Pay with an email address for a free PDF.
  • Pay with a phone number for a callback, consultation.
  • Or perhaps pay money for something we're selling.

How Can I Improve My Conversion Rate?

  1. Build user types.
  2. Set goals.
  3. Build processes.
  4. Measure a lot and at every important point.
  5. Experiment and do better.

Sell More and More Often

This step is very simple. If we sold something once, we sell the same thing to the same people a million times. Once we have that, we sell related products and services to these million people. Simple, isn't it?

How Can I Sell More and More Often?

  1. Understand what your value proposition is.
  2. Understand your buyer's journey.
  3. Remove all obstacles from the path to purchase.

Only Buy from Us

If I want to buy a laptop, I go to and see what they're selling. I don't search for MacBook Pros on the internet, and especially not for all sorts of laptops, reviews, and price comparison websites. I'm a good customer for Apple. You need to cultivate such customers for your products or services as well.

Why Should They Only Buy from Me?

  1. Build a brand.
  2. Have a unique offer.
  3. Provide an unforgettable shopping experience.

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