AI Welcome Kit

The core of the project is to train an artificial intelligence (AI) based on the documents provided by the company. The AI will be able to answer questions about the content of the documents, create tests, evaluate exams, support onboarding processes, and identify connections. Communication with the AI occurs through Telegram, a simple and widely used platform, making it easily accessible and usable for employees.

Answering Questions

  • Fast and Accurate Responses: The AI can provide quick and accurate answers to employees' questions based on the information in the documents.
  • 24/7 Availability: The AI is available around the clock, allowing employees to get answers to their questions at any time.

Test Writing and Exam Evaluation

  • Automated Test Creation: The AI can create personalized tests for employees, aiding the learning process.
  • Quick Evaluation: The system evaluates tests and exams in seconds, saving time for the HR and training departments.
  • Blockchain-based Authentication: Results are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring authenticity and immutability.

Onboarding Support

  • Integrating New Employees: The AI helps new employees quickly and efficiently integrate by answering questions about the company and aiding in acquiring necessary information.
  • Access to Training Materials: The system makes training materials available at any time and answers related questions.

Finding and Analyzing Connections

  • Linking Data and Information: The AI can link data and information found in the documents, helping to understand complex connections.
  • Efficient Analysis: The system enables quick and efficient analysis, supporting decision-making and strategic planning.

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