ForwardHub - EDM

Cloud-based email SaaS. Suitable for sending system emails and EDM messages. Good spam score, with processes and email content editable via a web interface (including system emails).

If You

  • Collect or want to collect customer data,
  • Want to link the user database with the behavioral database,
  • Want to send system emails and eDM emails from one place,
  • Want to freely modify these, sending personalized communication to your customers,
  • Want to link with CDP / DMP to send segmented content to customers based on their behavioral and other data,
  • Aim to achieve higher CTR and ROI,


  • Can't afford expensive software or IT resources,
  • Don't want to deal with database setup and maintenance,
  • Lack a development team,
  • Want a scalable email sending system,
  • Lack IT / data analysis skills for these tasks,

Then We Can Help

  • Design the necessary database structure,
  • Collaborate with you to develop the system and marketing messages,
  • Tune the database and timed messages for this purpose,
  • Monitor the system's operation by setting up automations.

Cloud-based email SaaS. Suitable for sending system emails and EDM messages. Good spam score, web-based process, and email content editing (including system emails).

What Will Happen?

  • Set up the CDP database and relevant cases,
  • Develop the system and marketing messages system with associated triggers,
  • Link relevant database cases with message triggers,
  • Automatically send relevant, personalized content to customers,
  • Increase the open, read, click, and conversion rates of messages, enhancing customer satisfaction with personalized content.

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